
How Much Water Should I Drink Daily?

How Much Water Should I Drink Daily?

Hot weather has arrived in Mt. Airy, and it’s time to drink more water. Staying hydrated is vital all year, but the heat of summer makes you sweat, so you need more to replace the water you lost. You can go without food for three weeks but only three or four days without water. Next to air, it’s the most vital element. Most people don’t drink enough water, but a few take hydration to a new level and overdo it. They drink too much water, which causes water intoxication. That causes problems with the body’s electrolyte balance and can end with kidney issues. External temperature plays a role when considering how much water to drink, but there are other factors.

Size counts.

All parts of the body are mostly water. The kidneys, brain, and muscles are 70% water. The lungs are over 83% water. Bodily fluid varies based on age, body size, physical build, and more. Fatty tissues, for instance, contain far less fluid than lean muscle tissue. If two people of the same gender and age weigh the same, but one has a higher ratio of muscle to fat, he or she will have a composition that contains more water and requires a higher water intake to maintain it. Activity level also plays a role. The more active you are, the more you sweat, increasing the need for water.

Gender differences and age make a difference.

If you compare the percentage of fluid in a newborn, with that of a senior, you’d notice a considerable difference. Newborn infants are approximately 75% fluid, while seniors range between 39% and 57%. Hormone levels make a difference in the amount of water you require. Women’s menstrual cycles cause the amount of fluid intake for women to vary. High levels of estrogen and progesterone occur during the menstrual cycle and more progesterone means lower blood fluid. Activity level, weight, and of course, outside temperature affects how much water you need to drink.

A loose formula based on body weight helps identify how much water you need.

You can find calculators that consider all factors to indicate the amount of water to drink, but even they don’t tell the whole story. You get some of your fluid from food. Watermelon, for instance, is a good source of fluid. To calculate water intake, use 2/3rds of your body weight to calculate the number of ounces. If you weigh 150 pounds, you need 100 ounces of water a day. Add more if you’re sweating heavily.

  • Things that affect the amount of water necessary also include your health. If you’re running a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, replace the fluid. People at higher elevations also need more water.
  • The simplest way to decide how much water to drink is by thirst. Your body is telling you to drink more water. If you don’t like plain water, consider infused water. Don’t turn to soft drinks that make you thirstier.
  • Seniors often fail to get the dehydration message, and sometimes the symptoms are misinterpreted. It can resemble dementia and other types of illness.
  • Mayo Clinic issued a generalization of the amount of fluid necessary. They noted that approximately 20% could come from food. They suggested 15.5 cups for men with 3 cups from food and 11.5 cups for women with 2 cups from food.

For more information, contact us today at Urban Athlete

Nutritional Deficiencies Of Being A Vegetarian

Nutritional Deficiencies Of Being A Vegetarian

What is a vegetarian diet? It all depends on what type of vegetarian you are. Lacto-vegetarians include dairy products, and ovo-vegetarians include eggs. Lacto-ovo includes both. Pescatarians cut out land-based animal products but include fish. The type of vegetarian that is most susceptible to nutritional deficiencies is the vegan diet. It excludes all animal products, including honey, gelatin, and rennet. Eliminating all animal products excludes several important nutrients.

B12 is a big problem.

B12 is necessary for heart, nerve, and muscle health. It’s vital for DNA synthesis. It’s primarily found in animal products but can be found in a few plant sources. Nutritional yeast, algae, and shitake mushrooms. You can find nutritional yeast at many stores. It has a cheesy flavor that compliments many dishes. It only takes a tablespoon of nutritional yeast to fulfill the daily requirement of B12. It takes four grams of dried seaweed and 50 grams of shitake mushrooms to fulfill the B12 requirement. Fortified foods are another option for vegans.

If you can’t get sunshine, you need to supplement vitamin D.

The easiest way to get adequate vitamin D is with safe sunning. The body uses the ultraviolet rays of the sun and cholesterol to create vitamin D. Philadelphia is too far north to get adequate sun year around, so during the winter months, supplements and food are the solutions for vegetarians. For people who include dairy, drinking fortified milk is an excellent option. Ovo-vegetarians can consume egg yolk. For those that eat fish, just keep eating it. Fish is a source of vitamin D. Wild mushrooms, mushrooms exposed to artificial light, and nut milk contain higher amounts of vitamin D.

Plants don’t contain collagen.

Collagen is necessary for all parts of the body, especially the skin. Your body manufactures collagen, but it also gets a lot from animal sources. Since plants don’t have it, consuming the nutrients to boost collagen production is required. Those include copper, food high in vitamin C, and zinc. Zinc can also be a problem. While many plants contain it, it’s more bioavailable in animal products. Bioavailability means that your body can use it. Many plants containing zinc have phytates that bind to zinc and prevent it from being absorbed.

  • Food from both plants and animals contains iron, but it’s more bioavailable in animal sources. Iodine is another food that all but pescatarians may lack unless the vegetarian uses iodized salt or consumes sea vegetables.
  • Vegetarians may fail to balance amino acids and lack certain amino acids. Luckily companion foods can provide a good balance. One example is red beans and rice.
  • Both omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 are available in vegan diets, but people, whether vegan or not, often fail to get adequate omega-3. Make sure your diet includes walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseed.
  • Don’t fall into the trap of choosing food just because it’s labeled vegan. Some are healthy, but many are not. They often contain higher amounts of sugar, salt, or additives. Artificial meat like the Impossible Burger is higher in sodium.

For more information, contact us today at Urban Athlete

Possible Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight

Possible Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

It seems so easy for weight to creep higher without effort, but losing those extra pounds is far more difficult. It’s tough when you aren’t experiencing the results you want. There are many potential reasons you’re not losing weight, some more obvious than others. Each individual is different, but some more common causes can create the struggle and slow or stop weight loss.

Weight loss is calories in versus calories out.

Consuming 3500 calories more than you burn will cause you to gain a pound, and a 3500 deficit causes you to lose a pound. It’s the primary reason for both weight gain and weight loss. Making poor food choices is often at the root of the problem. Understanding the effects of processed food and food high in added sugar can provide a solution. Not only do foods high in calories and low in nutrients add weight, but they also often make you feel hungry and spike insulin levels, leading to insulin resistance and the accumulation of belly fat. Avoiding all processed food and food with added sugar while focusing more on whole foods can help get your weight moving in the right direction.

If you’re eating a healthy diet, but gain weight, your metabolism may be a problem.

It’s common to hear people say their problem is slow metabolism, and it may be true. That doesn’t mean there’s no hope. You can boost your metabolism in a variety of ways. One of those ways is exercise. When you exercise, you increase the calories you burn and boost your metabolism in two ways. The first is immediate, especially if you’re doing intense strength-training or HIIT training— high-intensity interval training. Those types of workouts increase metabolism for hours after the workout ends. The second way is by increasing muscle mass. Muscle mass requires more calories than fat tissue does, so the more you have, the higher your metabolism.

Stress can cause problems.

When you’re under stress, your body sends out hormones to prepare the body for fighting or running. It’s called the fight-or-flight response. These hormones that change in the body and are burned off with movement, whether it’s exercise or running from danger. Cortisol is one of those. It can cause weight gain. The changes made by the fight-or-flight response are good if you’re in danger where running or fighting helps you survive but most people experience chronic stress from family, job, and everyday situations and never burn off the stress. That floods the system with cortisol, which can increase fat storage, limit fat burning, increase blood glucose levels, and lead to insulin resistance.

  • Lack of sleep can cause weight gain. It can increase ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and decrease the production of leptin, the satiety hormone. Lack of sleep can affect metabolism, so you don’t burn as many calories.
  • Some people eat too fast or don’t realize how much they mindlessly consume. Keeping a food diary can help identify overeating.
  • Dehydration, even mild dehydration, can affect hormonal balances that slow metabolism, and lead to weight gain. Carry water and sip on it frequently. Drinking a large glass of water before a meal can reduce the amount of food eaten.
  • Always check with your healthcare professional to ensure your weight gain doesn’t come from a medical issue or hormonal imbalance you can’t control.

For more information, contact us today at Urban Athlete

The Best Belly Fat Burning Foods

The Best Belly Fat Burning Foods

One of the most common complaints I hear from clients at Urban Athlete in Mt. Airy is how difficult it is to lose abdominal fat—belly fat. Belly fat is visceral fat, the most difficult fat to shed. However, with the right type of exercise and diet, it’s possible to lose it. Intense exercise causes the body to release hormones that break down visceral fat. Belly fat-burning foods work several ways to eliminate it. The thermogenic effect is one way. The thermogenic effect is the calories used to digest food causing some food to deliver very few calories. Eating more thermogenic food like celery can help you lose belly fat.

Get your greens.

Leafy greens like kale and spinach are good for reducing belly fat. Spinach contains sulfoquinovose. Sulfoquinovose is one of the building blocks of green vegetables like lettuce and spinach. It helps keep a healthy microbiome balance. It increases the beneficial microbes, discouraging harmful ones at the same time. Your gut microbiome plays a role in fat burning. Make a salad including beets and boost your metabolism. Beets increase fat burning and reduce insulin resistance. They contain an amino acid called betaine. Besides boosting metabolism, betaine reduces insulin resistance and reduces fat produced.

Fat and protein can help you burn belly fat.

Eating food high in protein or healthy fat can make you fill full longer, so you can lose belly fat. Fatty fish, such as tuna or salmon, are examples of foods that offer both. They’re high in omega-3 fatty acids. Some research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids may aid in reducing belly fat. Other studies following people with fatty liver disease show that supplements of omega-3 aid in shedding belly fat and liver fat.

It’s not always about what you eat, but sometimes what you don’t.

Sugar or products with added sugar can increase belly fat. Studies show a diet lower in refined carbs can help eliminate belly fat in people with type 2 diabetes and overweight people. Consuming too much sugar can also lead to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can cause belly fat. Don’t forget to cut out sugary drinks and even artificially sweetened ones. A recent study showed people who drank diet soft drinks had a bigger waist circumference than those who didn’t, indicating more belly fat. Avoid trans fats and refined foods. Keep your diet primarily whole foods.

  • Include plain coffee or tea in your diet. The caffeine in both can suppress your appetite and boost your metabolism. The epigallocatechin gallate—EGCG— in green tea is a fat-burning chemical. Matcha tea has even more EGCG.
  • The flavonoids in plants are anti-inflammatories that also fight oxidative stress. Plums have anthocyanin. The pectin they contain fights fat accumulation.
  • Eggs contain protein and choline. Protein keeps you full, and choline burns fat. Eat your eggs with a bowl of oatmeal, and the beta-glucan will help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of insulin resistance and belly fat.
  • Choose apple slices as a snack and burn fat from the ursolic acid in the peels. Ursolic acid increases muscle and increases brown fat, which helps burn belly fat.

For more information, contact us today at Urban Athlete


What Is A Legume?

What Is A Legume?

Almost every plant-based diet and most other healthy diets contain legumes. Legumes are a family of foods. Legume is the term for the entire plant, including leaves, roots, stem, and seeds. When referenced in diets, legumes are the part eaten—the seeds—also called the pulse. The family of legumes includes beans, peas, soy, lentils, and chickpeas. Sometimes, peanuts are considered legumes.

Legumes contain protein and other nutrients.

With prices increasing for all groceries, finding a good source of protein that won’t break the budget is a high priority. Legumes can provide both protein and nutrients, such as fiber, iron, folate, B vitamins, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, and phosphorus, but they’re low in cholesterol and fat. While most legumes contain an incomplete protein, soy and soy products, like edamame are complete sources. A complete source of protein contains all the essential amino acids—which are ones the body can’t produce.

Legumes protect the cells with antioxidants.

Antioxidants protect the cells from free radicals that can cause damage or death to the cells. Eating legumes can prevent cell damage and provide nutrients. Adding legumes to your diet can lower the risk of cancer stroke and cardiovascular disease. A meatless Monday or substituting legumes for red meat several times a week can substantially lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Eating legumes instead of meat can increase the micro diversity of the gut. That can lead to better digestion, improved immunity, and many other health benefits.

The nutrients and fiber in legumes provide many benefits.

While legumes are a protein source, they’re also a source of carbohydrates. Unlike sugar and other simple sugars, they are complex carbohydrates. The difference is more than just the chemical structure, it’s also about how quickly the carbohydrate is digested. Complex carbohydrates release sugar into the bloodstream slower, provide long-lasting energy and keep you feeling fuller longer. Carbohydrates are classed as fiber, sugar, and starch. Ones with the most fiber are the lowest on the glycemic index, helping with blood sugar control. Legumes are the carbohydrate highest in fiber.

  • Legumes contain antioxidants that protect the cells from damage by free radicals. Consuming legumes regularly can lower the risk of stroke, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
  • If you use legumes as a protein source, instead of red meat, you’ll cut down your intake of saturated fat. Choosing legumes instead of meat can also help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation.
  • Type 2 diabetes is on the rise. One study found that regular consumption of legumes, particularly lentils, lowered the risk of diabetes by 35% in seniors who had a high risk of cardiovascular incidents.
  • To create a complete protein, combine legumes with another incomplete protein containing the essential amino acids not contained in the legume. Lentils and rice and corn tortillas with refried beans are examples.

For more information, contact us today at Urban Athlete

Benefits Of Green Tea

Benefits Of Green Tea

Many of the restaurants in Mt. Airy now offer green tea. It’s become a popular drink because of the benefits green tea provides for the body. Staying hydrated is important and water is one way to do that. When you drink green tea, it not only hydrates you, it also provides phytonutrients. Using lemon in your green tea boosts the catechin benefits by as much as 600%. Just don’t add sugar or it diminishes the benefits. If you need to add a sweetener, use a small amount of honey.

Green tea can help you control free radicals and reduce the potential for disease.

Antioxidants help eliminate free radicals that can cause cell damage. Cell damage can lead to conditions like premature aging and cancer. One of the most potent antioxidants in green tea is EGCG—epigallocatechin-3-gallate. Studies show it can reduce the potential for oral, stomach, pancreatic, breast, and prostate cancer. Green tea also protects the skin from aging. Besides hydrating the body and fading wrinkles, it also reduces free radicals that can age skin, fighting the effects of photoaging.

When you boost your metabolism, you make weight loss easier.

The catechins in green tea improve metabolism, as they protect the body from disease. Studies show that green tea can boost your metabolism and increase fat burning. One blind study compared people who used a green tea extract and those who took a placebo. The results were eye-opening. Those taking the green tea extract had as high as a 17% increase in calories burned. Green tea acts in synergy, boosting the effectiveness of hormones that break down fat cells, releasing them as energy.

Increase your alertness and protect your brain.

Green tea increases your energy and alertness, but you won’t get the shaky sensation that occurs when you drink coffee. It contains caffeine that blocks adenosine. That lets neurotransmitters such as dopamine improve alertness and concentration. Since Green tea also contains L-theanine, you won’t get the shakes as you do with coffee. L-theanine increases GABA, a different neurotransmitter, producing an anti-anxiety effect. As you boost your alertness, you’ll remain calm.

  • Studies show that people who drank at least three cups of green tea daily for a year had a 30 to 40 % lowered risk of Parkinson’s. It also helps prevent other neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Consuming it regularly can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. It helps control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of insulin resistance, a precursor of diabetes.
  • Drinking green tea can keep your breath fresher and protect your teeth. It does that by reducing the bacteria in the mouth. It has an antibiotic and antifungal effect and may help make teeth stronger.
  • Some types of green tea are healthier than others. Matcha tea has the highest vitamin C. It can improve the immune system. Studies indicate that people who drink a minimum of five cups a day live longer.

For more information, contact us today at Urban Athlete

No-Scale Lifestyle Is Calling

Are you being intimidated by a household object or is it mocking you by lying? I’m talking about the bathroom scales. There’s a saying that not everything you read is true and that includes your weight on the scales. Your body’s weight constantly fluctuates. It may be heavier in the afternoon after you ate a salty dish and drank a lot of water or lighter when you’re borderline dehydrated. You don’t need the scales and can live a no-scale lifestyle when you stop measuring progress with every ounce.

Increased muscle mass shows progress, but the scales don’t reflect your success.

An increase in muscle mass may show you didn’t make progress with weight loss, even though your baggy clothes show differently. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does. If you didn’t shed one pound, but lost fat and gained muscle, you’ll lose inches. A body that has more fat than muscle will look heavier than a body with more muscle than fat, even though both bodies may weigh the same. The more muscle you have, the easier it is to lose weight and keep it from returning, too. Don’t let the scales diminish your progress, take your measurements and track those. Using the InBody scanner is also a great way to see how your lean muscle mass and body fat percentage change relative to each other. Following a personal training program with a coach is a great way to help achieve the goals you have.

Change is slow and it doesn’t occur overnight.

Your weight is just one of those changes. Health markers like blood pressure, vitality. and energy levels are other markers of progress. If you could barely walk up a flight of stairs a few months ago and now can climb two flights before you get winded, you’re definitely getting more fit. If improving your health and endurance was one reason you started working out, you have made progress on or hit your goals. Make the way you measure match your goal. Track blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and endurance if those are part of the goal.

Your mid-section may tell the true story.

You have two types of fat. Subcutaneous fat is located directly under the skin, and visceral fat is under the muscle and around your organs. Visceral fat is the most dangerous since it crowds the organs and contributes to serious health conditions. People with more visceral fat have a bigger circumference measurement around their midsection. Tracking this measurement can give you a better idea of how well you’re doing, especially since visceral fat is the hardest to lose.

  • Take a full-body selfie in an outfit that reveals your body every month. Wear the same clothing and stand in the same spot. When you check the progress you made can boost your confidence when you need it.
  • Even though weighing in can be discouraging, you need to measure your progress. If you don’t keep score, you won’t know whether you need to make changes or get a boost of confidence when you see the difference.
  • If weighing in (above) is daunting to you, we can use the InBody technology and keep track of your measurements for you.
  • Everyone has loose fitting pants and form fitting pants that fit differently at varying times. Use your form fitting pants to measure your progress. When your form fitting pants look baggy, you know you’ve made progress.
  • Track your progress working out. If you track your workout and make notes on how easy it is, you’ll start to see a pattern. If you were too out of shape to continue a workout, but now can finish it with ease, you’ve achieved success.
  • Working closely with a personal training in either a group workout setting or a personal training setting is another way to track your progress in your workouts.

For more information, contact us today at Urban Athlete

Urban Athlete is a personal training studio that offers group training and personal training in Mt Airy, Philadelphia.

Why You Should Use Fermented Foods In Your Cooking

Why You Should Use Fermented Foods In Your Cooking

If you live in Mt. Airy, you probably know that fermented foods are more popular. You see a lot more options at the grocery and people are using fermented foods more for cooking. Whether it’s sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, or yogurt, there are health benefits. Fermented foods can boost your immunity. Fermented food isn’t new. It’s been used for centuries as a way to preserve food and extend its usefulness. Cheese and pickles have been a staple for dining tables for years. Cottage cheese, apple cider vinegar, and sourdough bread are often in many kitchens and bring health benefits.

Fermented foods often contain probiotics.

Probiotics are microorganisms that preserve food by stopping the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi. When you eat the food, it also aids in digestion. The microbes that ferment the food break down the food as it preserves it, making the nutrients more available to the body. Not all fermented foods are alike. For instance, yogurt and kefir often contain live cultures, but sourdough bread doesn’t. That doesn’t mean that sourdough bread doesn’t have benefits from fermentation. It does. The process of fermentation makes the nutrients in the grains easier for the body to absorb, as it reduces the substances in grain that negatively affect the digestive system.

Cooking may reduce the benefits of fermented food.

If you cook fermented food at temperatures over 110 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit, it will destroy the probiotics. It’s why sourdough bread doesn’t get the benefits from the probiotics, but the processes that occurred in the bread before cooking. Highly processed foods, such as many commercial yogurts, don’t contain live bacteria, which eliminates the benefits you get from yogurt, other than the nutritional value.

You’ll boost your immune system when fermented foods are part of your diet.

The microbes in the digestive system play an important role in many processes. They are the first line of defense for the immune system. The balance of microbes can even affect your mental health. Fermented foods provide beneficial microbes that aid digestion, fight off harmful bacteria and fungi, while also reducing bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.

  • Antibiotics kill many of the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, as well as the ones causing illness. Consuming probiotic foods to replace the loss, rebalances your immune system, improves your immunity, and boosts nutrient absorption.
  • A well-balanced microbiome can help you control your appetite and lower cravings for sugar. Sauerkraut and kimchi contain fermented vegetables and also provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Pickles are fermented cucumbers, so they contain all the nutrients that cucumbers contain, plus additional friendly bacteria. If you use vinegar as a probiotic, make sure it has “the mother” if you want probiotic benefits.
  • Live culture cottage cheese is lower in sugar and contains bacteria that breaks down lactose, making it friendlier to the digestive systems of people who are lactose intolerant.

For more information, contact us today at Urban Athlete

How To Make Workouts More Effective Using Personal Training

How To Make Workouts More Effective Using Personal Training

While any type of exercise is good, not all exercise is equal when it comes to getting into shape. Your goals, needs and present level of fitness make a huge difference when planning a workout. Certain exercises are better than others for achieving specific results. That’s why choosing the right types of exercises can make workouts more effective. You’ll still work hard, but get more for your efforts when you’re doing the exercise that offers more benefit to reach your goals.

Get more from every movement when you do compound exercises or full-body workouts.

Some workouts focus on specific muscles, but full-body workouts focus on almost all muscles. If you’re working your arms, you can be working your legs at the same time, not only building muscle strength in several areas, but also burning more calories. Compound exercises, ones that work several joints, tendons and muscles also torch the calories, while working several areas. One unique aspect of coach-led workouts at Urban Athlete is working on full body exercises throughout the week. More complex compound exercises tend to be done in personal training settings but we also incorporate a variety of fun and effective exercises in our group training classes.

Do exercises that address several areas of fitness at once.

There are several types of fitness; strength, power, endurance, flexibility and balance are a few of the main types. You need to address all areas to be truly fit, since they all play a role in overall health. Efficient exercise addresses several types of fitness at once. For instance, kettlebell exercises provide strength, power, balance, endurance and flexibility training. Many circuit training workouts do the same. While we love kettlebell exercises at Urban Athlete, you can do very similar exercises with a dumbbell or medicine ball creating the same benefit.

Modify your intensity and turn your workout into circuit training or a HIIT workout.

Circuit training pushes you hard. You move from one exercise to another with little time between them. Whether you’re doing strength training, endurance or flexibility training, you’ll get a good cardio workout at the same time. HIIT—high intensity interval training is another way to do any type of exercise. You alternate between peak intensity and a recovery level. If you are using it with running, you’d sprint for a short time, then slow your run to a recovery pace for an equal or longer period and back to a sprint. You can use HIIT with any activity, from walking to strength training. Studies show it is more effective than steady state-exercise.

  • If your session is intense, you’ll maximize results if you fuel your body with a pre-workout snack that contains both carbs and protein about a half hour before working out.
  • A half-hour before working out, drink 8 ounces of water and carry a bottle of water to sip on throughout your workout. Dehydration, even if it’s mild, can reduce the effectiveness of your exercise program.
  • Avoid doing too much cardio. While you need cardio and it does torch calories, some of those calories come from lean muscle tissue. That can slow your metabolism, since the more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn.
  • Change your workout periodically to avoid plateauing. If you’re doing the same workout for months, your body becomes efficient at the moves and burns fewer calories. You’ve also improved your fitness, so you need to push harder to maximize results. This doesn’t mean you need to do different exercises, rather you would try working with heavier weights and/or changing the tempo of exercises, and even decreasing the rest time, or increasing the work time of the exercise.

Much of this can feel complicated with all the pieces to consider. If you’d like some help getting started or continuing on your fitness and exercise journey, contact us today at Urban Athlete

Make Your 2023 Fitness Goals Come True

Make Your 2023 Fitness Goals Come True

We’ve barely started 2023, so there’s still time to turn those New Year’s resolutions into real goals that you achieve. A lot of people in Mt. Airy, PA, have focused on fitness goals this year. If you’re one of those people, those goals can come true, but you have to put in the effort. You can reduce the effort by having a plan and sticking with it. A healthy, fit body doesn’t occur by taking one giant step. It’s achieved by taking a lot of small steps consistently. That’s one of the keys, consistency.

Start with a healthy diet.

Eating healthy doesn’t mean dieting, it simply means making smarter choices in food. Your body needs healthy food to be its best. Most of all, eating healthy can help you reach your ideal weight, whether you need to gain weight or lose it. Exercise is important, but you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Focus on whole foods and avoid foods with added sugar. By avoiding sugar and processed food, you’ll be on the road to eating healthier and becoming the best possible you.

Begin a program of regular exercise.

The key to success is consistency. No matter what exercise program you choose, you have to do it consistently. Progress is made in small increments that add up to big gains. Just spending 45 minutes 3 days a week could make a huge difference that will last the rest of your life. Our exercise programs are designed specifically for you, your schedule and your needs. If you’re a self-starter, prefer working out at home, love the energy of group sessions or want something more private, we provide it. Best of all, you’ll get started and be more accountable to sticking with your plan.

Increase your activity level, improve your diet and make other lifestyle changes, too.

When you start eating healthier and working out regularly, you’ll start to notice changes. Your energy level will increase and you’ll start focusing on other ways to boost your health and fitness. Getting adequate sleep is one way. You need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night for fitness. Creating a sleep schedule and sticking to it can add to your resolve for fitness. Drinking more water can be another addition to a healthy lifestyle. Eliminating bad habits is also easier the fitter you become.

  • You can improve your results by increasing your activity levels in other ways. Park further from the door and walk to the store. Take the stairs and not the elevator. Enjoy active family time with biking, hiking or other activities that get you moving.
  • Eat slower. Practice mindful eating, where you savor each morsel. Chew each bite of food longer. It will help you eat less and you’ll be doing a favor for your digestive system, too.
  • Improving your sleep habits are good for your health and they keep your hunger—-ghrelin, and satiety—leptin hormones in balance. When you lack sleep, the body makes less leptin and more ghrelin so you tend to eat more.
  • As you start eating healthier and consume less sugar, you’ll start to notice how sweet fruit tastes. You’ll also notice how good you feel when you eat healthily and how out-of-sorts you feel when you don’t.

For more information, contact us today at Urban Athlete