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Mt Airy Exercise

When in Doubt, Schedule it Out!

We thought we’d get a new phrase trending this week – personal scheduling.

This week, one of our coaches shared a NY Times opinion article with our team, “I Spent a Year in Space, and I Have Tips on Isolation to Share,” by Sean Kelly. He used this article to share the necessity of two habits:

  1. Make a schedule
  2. Exercise daily

I find it interesting that this same advice was given to me last Fall, way before we found ourselves adapting to a new situation, a new world climate. (Adapting, both physically and mentally, seems like a great topic for next week!)

Let’s use a work meeting to illustrate how creating a schedule affects our mental framework and how we approach the day. Every Monday at 12PM, the Urban Athlete coaches hold a team meeting over Zoom. We treat this meeting and time slot with incredible importance – so much so that its timing affects the rest of the activities in our day.

Because our meeting is at 12PM, we have our Restorative UA class at 11AM and our Young STARS class at 1PM. Hmm…lunch? Eaten during the meeting!

Speaking from experience, it is “easier” to commit to a schedule when an external force holds you responsible or someone is counting on you.

Why is it easier to attend a Zoom meeting than it is to go for a walk, or tune-in to a workout? Your company, coworkers, and CEO might be counting on you in the Zoom meeting, but your body is counting on you to exercise.

I challenge you this week to honor your workout commitment to your body. Don’t reschedule or show-up five minutes late – come prepared and well rested!

A day in advance, try to schedule a specific time that you are going to be active. Once you have honored this commitment to yourself, let your day build from there. If you work out from 9AM-10AM tomorrow, what time will you eat breakfast? What time will you read a good book or spend time with your family? What time will you dedicate to resting?

The commitments you make are yours to keep!

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