POP Course Materials

Since you are reading this, you’ve made a conscious decision to at the very least consider change. Change is a tricky little charm, as most of us dislike change. It is uncomfortable and has varying components of hard work. It is mostly though, just different. This however is exactly why embracing change is a powerful tool, especially positive change, to have on your side. 

There’s an excellent book, Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson, it’s a fable that walks you through the amazing ways to deal with change. You’ll see some of that throughout the next six weeks. 

In most courses you get all the materials up front or at least a table of contents, so you know what to expect. It is intentional that we are not giving that to you, with the purpose of not being able to scroll ahead or planning to catch up – but to act each week on the resources and support we’ve created and compiled. To simply just focus on the here and now. 

One thing I believe to be very important as you embark on any journey is to be kind to and supportive of yourself. It is of course always helpful to have someone in your corner (which we are).

Each week expect to receive a new focus for each of the 3M’s; Mindset, Movement and Mess. It should feel like the dialogue and the resources build on each other both within the week and throughout the six weeks. 

Below you will see the breakdown of the weeks as they become available. Simply clink on the link to navigate to the week’s focus materials.

So, let’s get into it!

Progress Over Perfection

Week One: Simple IS Good – The building blocks are clear and simple.

Week Two: Strength – Enjoy it all day long, the bang for your buck.

Week Three: emPOWERment – Damn, look at me!

Week Four: Resilience – It really does add up.

Week Five: Endurance – Go for it and have fun!

Week Six: Community Support – COMPANIONS along the journey.


Complete the Weekly Reflection!






